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Stellar review from Booklist

Booklist has given a stellar advanced review of the book for their November 15, 2010 issue. Booklist is a publication run by the American Library Association, which has about 25,000 subscribers—mainly librarians, schools, and bookstores. Here is the review:

"From Wyoming to Himalayan meditation caves to Capitol Hill, Pistono’s account of his quest for spiritual illumination and political justice is heartbreaking and awe-inspiring. Read More 
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Robert Thurman writes about <i>In the Shadow of the Buddha</i>

What an endorsement! I am so grateful. Robert Thurman, Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Buddhist Studies at Columbia University and President of Tibet House US, sent me the following endorsement for the book. Also, check out Professor Thurman's books Inner Revolution and Infinite Life, among others.

"What a fabulous saga! A mystical tale of defending the land of the Buddha Dharma at the turn of the 20th century interwoven with the life and death struggle now going on at the turn of the 21rst! This moving account is written beautifully from the heart, and it lifts the heart to read  Read More 
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Minyak Gongkar on the cover of <i>In the Shadow of the Buddha</i>

The sacred mountain of Minyak Gongkar, highest peak in Eastern Tibet, is shown on the cover of the book, and in the foreground is a new temple and stupa at Lagong.
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